The Secret to a Happy Life

    Develop your interpersonal relationships

    Think Good & It Will Be Good

    You can create your reality by thinking about the things that have meaning in your life

    Where is Miriam’s Well Today? Archaeology Discovers the Hebrew Bible

    Rabbinic writings make it clear that Miriam’s Well accompanied the Israelites when they entered their land and was hidden away…

    Chana Weisberg: Inspiring Jewish women around the world

    Chana Weisberg's message of empowerment for the Jewish woman is the centerpiece of all five of her books. "Every Jewish…

    Hidabroot World Tour Summer 2017

    Warm up your Judaism this summer with world renowned speakers in your own home

    Dating – The Hand of Hashem

    One should never be demoralized, discouraged or disheartened in the process of seeking a shidduch. The outcome is directed by…

    “I Merited Visiting the Western Wall, I Feel Blessed”

    Says Ivanka Trump during interview with ‘Fox & Friends’

    The Positive and Negative Aspects of the Colors

    Every color represents a good and effective root, provided that the person does not use it in a negative way

    Keeping Healthy – Rule C: Cleansing the Body of Accumulated Toxic Waste

    The problem with waste accumulation is not solely in the accumulation itself. The problem lies in the fact that the…

    Watch: Yaakov Shwekey & Shlomi Shabbat – Vehi Sheamda

    Yaakov Shwekey and Shlomi Shabbat perform at a concert in Tel Aviv. What a gorgeous blend of Jewish musical talent
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