Who Knows 40?

    40 appears in many places in Judaism and symbolizes the process of bringing something to fruition and completeness

    I Told My Husband: “We Have To Adopt A Child With Down’s Syndrome”

    Chaya and Yisrael Ben-Baruch, more than just being a couple, are truly an inspiring phenomenon. Their story begins in Long…

    The Vegetarian Predator

    Superficially, this plant looks innocent-looking, and even tempting to approach. But a closer look leaves us open-mouthed. The wonders of…

    The World Was Created for Me

    A person who is interested in developing his character must undertake the great spiritual task of recognizing his self-worth

    Sukkot – The Story of Our Faith

    What's the difference between the Sukkah walls and the Sukkah roof?

    A essência da observância do Shabat

    De fato, o sábado permaneceu no povo judeu até hoje. É o sinal eterno da verdade da Torá, pois somente…

    Giving Charity with a Smile

    The reason that people tend to find it difficult to give charity with a smile is because there are so…

    8 Facts about Cohanim (Priests)

    Why did Rav Preida merit longevity? Which families are considered families of Cohanim? What does the word "Cohen" mean in…

    All You Wanted to Know About Allergies to Broad Beans

    Last week, a 32-year-old Israeli man died on a plane flight after eating the beans.
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