Saved by A Dream

    Shimon Lugassi a sharpshooter in the "Protective Edge campaign was saved unharmed from a mortar that fell on his battalion.…

    Praise G-d with Every Breath

    People like Finlay could die if they stop breathing just from concentrating too much during a TV show

    How Did this Family of Ducks Cross the Waterfall? Watch and Find Out

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    Am I an Illusion? What Makes Me Real?

    Understanding our insignificance in the universe leads to humility and accepting that G-d leads our daily lives.

    Proving the Truth

    Only the “Manufacturer” of Creation can supply an exact, tailor-fit system of “operating instructions” for the complex human beings which…

    Ivanka Trump’s Future Rabbi

    All you wanted to know about Rabbi Levi Shem-Tov

    Life in the fast lane

    Would I ever be able to crack the code to “in-town” living?

    The 10th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    Only the Torah has any compelling historical source that makes it authentic and documents its divinity

    Do Good Intentions Count? Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller

    “A believer must express his longing to be able to do good deeds. Then Hashem will judge him favorably.”

    She Found Her Abducted Sister Was Studying in Her School

    Zephany Nurse was only three days old when she was abducted from her hospital crib in Cape Town, South Africa.…
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