We Can’t Control the World, But We Can Pray.

    Let G-d take charge, He does a better job!

    Watch: President Trump Hugs Sick Boy After Signing Bill

    This week, President Donald Trump signed the ‘Right to Try Act’ bill. During the signing, he responded to a young…

    Fake News, Why Do We Believe It?

    If you repeat the biggest lie enough, people will believe it

    10 Facts About the Ramchal

    When the Ramchal was only fourteen, he already knew all of Kabbalah by heart…

    Can One Make a Bookmark by Folding a Page on Shabbat?

    Q. A person was reading a book and wishes to place a bookmark either by scratching with his fingernail or…

    Marc Zuckerberg Shares his Yom Kippur Introspection

    Maybe we too should question our past deeds and fix what we can

    The Morally Destructive Face of Evolution

    The decision to have faith in evolution is the same decision to deny G-d

    YAHRTZEIT (15 Cheshvan): 10 Quotes from the Chazon Ish

    What is the purpose of a Jew who keeps the mitzvos? What is the most basic thing necessary to perfect…

    Teachings of Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk

    Also known as “the Holy Rebbe Reb Meilech” and “the Rebbe of all Rebbes” and the author of “Noam Elimelech.”

    Watch: Bird Finds Creative Solution for Lunch

    See how this bird comes up with an original strategy for catching its lunch. Gone viral
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