How to Approach the Nine Weeks of Summer Vacation

    Vacation is an extraordinary opportunity for growth and development. We just have to approach it with the proper mindset

    Iranians Ask Jewish Girl to Pray for Rain – Watch

    Even the Iranians know who to turn to when in trouble. They are in desperate need for rain, so they…

    Watch: Short Video Clips on How to Make Paper Sukkah Decorations

    Are you looking for original ideas to decorate your sukkah? Watch this series of video clips and discover creative ideas…

    Parshat Bo – Gratitude Amnesia

    Do we take things for granted even when they are obviously gifts?

    Leaving A Sefer Open

    An overview of the laws of leaving a sefer open.

    Careful Criticism in Marriage

    What's the ideal way to express your hurt feelings to your husband?

    How Does G-d View Our Complaints? Rabbi Jonathan Rietti

    Does G-d owe me anything? Is it really so bad to complain? Rabbi Jonathan Rietti shares fundamental lessons for life

    Shabbat – The Spiritual Within the Physical

    A person who reflects upon the mitzvah of Shabbat from a true perspective will discover that besides for its spiritual…

    The Universe Comes Into Being – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Creation, Big Bang, or Was it Always there? All the Answers to the Biggest Question in the World

    Archaeology Salutes the Torah

    In the last generation, with the burgeoning of archaeological excavations in lands where the people and great figures of the…
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