Ready to Tattoo? Think Twice!

    When I Look in the Mirror my Tattoos Cause Me Pain. I wish I could forget them.

    Bending The Rules

    Sometimes the situation calls for a little leeway

    Judaism vs. Western Civilization

    Why are religious Jews perceived as rigid? What's the difference between religion and Judaism?

    A Total Turnaround- If I Can Do It You Can Too!

    “One Hanukkah I was divorced, really overweight and hopeless and crying; the next Hanukkah I was happily remarried”

    Wonders of Creation: Fascinating Sea Creature – Watch

    This deep sea creature will amaze you. “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I - Chapter 2:2)

    Watch: What Does the Parrot Do When He Is Hot?

    This is what the parrot does on hot summer days: He approaches the kitchen water faucet, washes his body, sings…

    What Prayers Does a Woman Pray in the Morning?

    What does a beginner start to pray?

    The Jewish Secret of Revenge

    Hanukkah lessons that apply to terror in Israel and every adversity

    Laser Cutting in Biblical Times

    It is fascinating to learn that thousands of years ago, the Sages knew, from the Torah, of the existence of…

    A 1400 Year Old Treasure Was Found Near Highway One

    During the widening of the highway 9 bronze coins in a cloth pouch were found
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