The Inherent Difference Between Husband and Wife

    A husband cannot simply use his own feelings and emotions as a way to understand his wife's feelings and emotions

    Rare Footage of the Chafetz Chaim Surfaces – Must Watch

    Rare footage of Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, known as the Chafetz Chaim, attending the First Agudat Yisrael Congress in Vienna.…

    Pesukei DeZimra – Nusach Sefard

    Praise G-d Before you ask your needs

    Collection of Pictures that will make you Think Twice

    These photos were taken exactly, at the right time and place. Check out the results. More brilliant than you think

    Your Inner Voice Can Heal You

    A healthy soul will mean a healthy body; listen to your soul’s messages to you

    True Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

    Where can you find true life, liberty and the true pursuit of happiness?

    Can a Needy Bride Benefit From a Thief’s Generosity?

    Robber returns money for orphan bride's wedding and gives gift to bride. Can she benefit from tainted money?

    Noach vs Avraham – Passive vs Active

    Avraham was proactive and self-motivated. He did not need external events to stimulate him to serve HaShem and perform acts…

    Watch: Miniscule Antique Tefillin Found in Caucasus

    Amazing Footage: Antique tefillin located in Caucasus – Gone viral

    Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhansk

    There is a legend which relates that during the Holocaust, the Nazis smashed the stone over his grave and wanted…
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