The Essence of Communication
Does G-d communicate with us? Do we hear what He has to say?
Secrets of the Deep
"A BIG BALL" - Spectacular video of the unity power of sardines, which is the secret of their survival
Watch: Jewish American Soldiers in Iraq Celebrate the Shabbat Project
This is the sixth year that thousands of Jews around the world have joined together to observe the worldwide Shabbat…
Watch: Animal Brotherhood – When Animals Help the Weak
Watch awesome footage of animals defending the weak. Must see
Proof of Prophecy: When the Jewish people went into exile
More than 2500 years ago the prophet Daniel accurately predicted the course of history for the next two millennia. This…
Watch: Divers Encounter Huge Jellyfish
This remarkable clip reveals more wonders of creation below the surface of the sea
Do You Have A Cold? Try Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Remedy
For years, people looking to heal health problems received this response from Rabbi Kanievsky
Proving the Truth
Only the “Manufacturer” of Creation can supply an exact, tailor-fit system of “operating instructions” for the complex human beings which…
A Dangerous Awakening – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
Is "jumping out of bed" the right way to start your day?