Wonders of Creation: Gallery of Transparent Butterflies

    The Greta oto is a unique butterfly that has transparent wings. These clear wings make it extremely difficult for predators…

    Trinta e nove trabalhos proibidos no shabat

    Quadrinhos: " O  trabalho de acender"

    Wonders of Creation: Awesome Pictures of Frozen Water in Croatia

    A Hungarian photographer Tamas Toth displays a breathtaking gallery of frozen water in the national park of Croatia. "I discovered…

    Stress after Rest: Healthy or Unhealthy?

    With having neither the data of the Emergency Medical Service nor the latest statistics from the United States, our Sages…

    Are You Always Cold During the Winter?

    These 4 things may be the cause

    Circumcision – The Day When Blood Coagulation Begins

    Dr. Armand James Quick: “It is not a coincidence that the religion of Moses sets its ceremony for circumcision on…

    What Does Science Think About G-d?

    Is science advancing towards the discovery of G-d? And what did the greatest scientists state about a Diety? Simple logic…

    Natural medicine: Consuming These 3 Things will Protect You from Cancer

    Dr. Caroline Anderson describes what these common foods can do

    “My Doctors Gave Me Only 5 Years to Live”

    ‘But I found a natural cure with G-d’s help’

    How do Giraffes find a Comfortable Sleeping Position?

    In this unique gallery you’ll see how giraffes manage to relax their long necks and find a satisfying sleeping position
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