Mystique : Une ségoula véridique et incroyable pour le matin du jeune d’Esther à ne pas manquer.

    Le Rav Tsvi Hirsch Kaydnover rapporte dans son livre Kav Hayachar une ségoula véridique à faire dès le lever du…

    Jewelry Made by the Handicapped?

    Yaan Naveh’s jewelers are all mentally handicapped and her profits are the happiness they get and not the money.

    Watch: Millions of Fish Invade Mexico Beach

    A rare phenomenon occurs off the coast of Mexico. How does it relate to pelicans? Watch and discover

    Now You See It — Now You Don’t

    People become enmeshed in “unhealthy” relationships for countless reasons. But a big complicating factor in nearly every case is the…

    Vayeira – Holy Laughter

    Laughter is a serious matter and we have to know how to use it correctly

    Repentance for Slander and Gossip

    How should one repent for speaking slander or gossip about a fellow Jew?

    Jungle Book Really Happened

    Not with Mowgli but with an unnamed girl

    Writing a Torah Scroll and Sewing a Torah Scroll Mantel for a Reform Temple

    May one write a Torah scroll for a Reform congregation, because after all, they are Jews and are obligated in…

    Nostalgia: This is what Jerusalem Looked like 52 Years Ago

    Video footage of Jerusalem 52 years ago, after the miraculous victory of the Six-Day War

    Unlocking G-d’s Blessing

    In this short clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid gives us the key to unlocking the blessing G-d is waiting to shower…
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