Can I use Marijuana or Alcohol to get Happy According to Jewish Law?
Find out what's the difference between alcohol and drugs according to Jewish law
Achieving Unity When it Seems Impossible
Ahavat Israel Love for our fellow Jew is the key
Watch: Awesome Sukkot Song – Shakin’ the Lulav
Starring David Bar-Cohn, Moshe Hamburg, Stuart Schnee and Dr. Efraim Rosenbaum. Based on the song "Twist & Shout". Lyrics/Director/Editor -…
Watch: A Breathtaking Bird’s Eye View of Antarctica
The beauty of creation is fully exposed in this amazing video footage of frozen Antarctica. Be inspired by more wonders…
Passover Recipes: Spicy Moroccan Fish for Passover
Moroccan fish is a big hit even if you are a born and bred Ashkenazi. Enjoy this spicy delicious recipe!
Everything is Orchestrated from Above – Rebbetzin Feige Twerski
“It’s the little things in life that are the big things”
Watch: Lightning Like You’ve Never Seen Before
Display of electrifying lightning moving through the clouds over Florida, creating stunning scenes
Watch: Even Monkeys Enjoy Eating Matzah
Two weeks before Passover the monkeys at the Ramat Gan Zoo in Israel change over to eating matzah instead of…
Moral Dilemmas in Everyday Life – How do we Decide?
Fascinating lecture by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz at the Sinai Indaba annual Torah convention in South Africa
“Bad news: There’s No Heartbeat”
Einat was sad to find out she had just lost her baby. Or did she?