The Joy of Simchat Torah

    What is the true joy of Simchat Torah?

    10 Facts About the Lubavitcher Rebbe on His Yohrzeit

    Today the 3rd of Tammuz is the day the Lubavitcher Rebbe left this world 23 years ago; here are some…

    Kabbalat Shabbat Party in Iran

    See how sweet Iranian Jewish children participate in their school Kabalat Shabbat party.

    Acendimento das velas 25.05.2018

    Quando o Shabat entra? Os horários de Acendimento das velas Sexta feira 25.05.2018 em várias cidades do Brasil, Parashat Nasso…

    Yehudah – Taking Responsibility

    Man’s challenge is not simply to avoid mistakes, but to own up to those we inevitably make

    Is Soda Water Healthy?

    If you like soda water / carbonated water and tend to think it's healthy, this article is for you

    “You Remind Me of my Son That Died in Iraq”

    Now I knew why the policeman stopped me…

    Why Drugs are Such a Massive Problem in our Generation

    Why are drugs and other quick fixes such a massive problem in our generation? Rabbi Akiva Tatz on the causes…

    Wonders of Creation: Chicken Embryo Development

    See animation of the 21 day development of a chicken embryo in the egg
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