Near Death Experience in the Talmud

    The Talmud states; for three days after burial, it is still possible for a person to return to life! What…

    Desert Fox Hunts A Lesser Jerboa – Wonders of the Wild

    Can the desert mouse outrun the fox? Watch more fascinating Wonders of Creation

    Sharing the Wealth with Others

    You should share what you know. That is as important as your own personal growth!

    Cleaning for Passover: Ingenious Trick Shines Metal Surfaces with Minimal Effort

    Whether you started cleaning for Passover or whether you're in the mood of cleaning up; this tip will help you…

    Shema Yisrael in Papua New Guinea – Must Watch

    These villagers in Jambitange, Papua New Guinea sing "Shema Yisrael" and express genuine love for Jews and the people of…

    The Challenges of a Rabbi

    In my job it’s easy to fall out of doing things for the sake of heaven.

    O Dono do “WeWork” , Billionário Adam Neumann: “Eu mantenho o Shabat”

    "Nós desconectamos nesse dia, mas na verdade estamos realmente conectando"

    The Anniversary of the Holy Ohr Hachaim’s Passing

    The "Ohr Hachaim" commentary and its author won the admiration of all Torah scholars, but especially those from the chassidic…

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s Message: Make Sure Your Home is Peaceful

    “Stringencies taken on by novices have nothing to do with Halacha and can cause domestic strife”

    Seizing the Moment

    My husband would give anything to turn the clock back and redress his forgotten promise
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