New Release: Ishay Ribo & Motty Steinmetz – Nafshi
Unique duet between two very similar and different worlds; Yishai Ribo and Moti Steinmetz. Lyrics: “Nafshi chamda b‘tzel yadecha lada'at…
Wonders of Creation: Awesome Pictures of Frozen Water in Croatia
A Hungarian photographer Tamas Toth displays a breathtaking gallery of frozen water in the national park of Croatia. "I discovered…
Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger: My Story
I wasn't always the rabbi with the long beard, I started off far from it
Communicating Modesty – No Matter How Old
How do we communicate the true message of modesty? Young or old, the key to happiness is simply knowing what…
100 Year Old Holocaust Survivor Presents: Megillat Esther Written by Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli
Moshe Schleifstein, a 100-year-old Holocaust survivor, displays an ancient Scroll of Esther, written by Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli. Moshe received…
Miri Ehrental is Lighting the Independence Day Torch
One of the torchbearers on the upcoming Israeli Independence Day will be Miri Ehrental, founder of Zichron Menachem, an organization…
If G-d Always Loves Us Why Don’t We Always See It?
G-d always loves us unconditionally, and we must remember that, even when His love is hidden.
Parshat Emor – Our Journey Through Time
Make every minute count
Give in Your Names for Prayer on Lag BaOmer
This Lag BaOmer we won’t light candles by Rabbi Shimon’s grave for you, but we will pray there on your…
One letter off
He showed his fellow congregants the Torah and told them to look under the bimah