Vered Appeals Emotionally: Do Not Do Abortions!
I want to tell my personal case, so no one else should go through the suffering I went through
Highlights from Hidabroot’s Tu B’Shvat Women’s Day of Empowerment
Highlights from Hidabroot's Tu B'Shvat Women's Day of Empowerment Tuesday, Jan. 30 2018, Bais Yisrael Hall, Jerusalem
2,000-Year-Old Inscription from Second Temple Period Discovered
The earliest stone inscription bearing the full spelling of the Hebrew word for Jerusalem was unveiled on Tuesday at the…
Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives
Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?
Samson the Mighty
The Bible indicates that the number of Philistines that Samson killed at his death, was greater than the total number…
Watch: Fascinating Time Lapse of a Bean Growing Underground
Wonders of Creation: Watch the growth process of a bean underground. This footage will surely strengthen your appreciation for all…
Did You Know These People Are Jewish?
Did you know these celebrities are Jewish? Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Cooper Calvin Klein, Kenneth Cole, Ralph Lauren, Harry Houdini, David…
Hilchot Shabat
Uma panela que está sobre a plata de Shabat, e o molho evaporou. O que é permitido fazer no Shabat,…
Why did G-d Choose to Create the World as He Did?
Since creation happened in stages, the whole world is connected in a chained-down form with higher realities connected to lower…
The Main Aspect of the Home – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
The woman is naturally connected to the inner aspect of the home even if she works outside of it. She…