G-d Answered My Prayers after 4 Tense Years of Waiting  

    The moment Ravit, who wasn’t religious, decided to accept family purity upon herself, the phone rang…

    A 17 Year Old Girl Fought Off Attacking Shark

    The girl, swimming on a Florida beach, thought it was a dolphin-but then it bit her leg

    Music Video: “Shine a Little Light” – Written & Composed by Yitzi Hurwitz

    A song of unity and love sung by various artists including, Alex Clare, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, Avraham Fried, MBD, Benny…

    Why Is G-d Invisible? Rabbi Manis Friedman

    Throughout history, the question of why G-d is not visible has perplexed the human race. Philosophers and laymen have addressed…

    70 Years Later the Tallit Remained Intact

    When the grave was opened, he was amazed to find that the prayer shawl that the man was buried in…

    Israel’s Youth Are More Religious in This Generation

    They’re more religious and have less belief in the country’s central institutions

    The Truth About Reincarnation

    Belief in reincarnation exists in many traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, the Druse tradition, and more. In many cases, reincarnation is…

    Selichot – Edot HaMizrach

    Edot HaMizrach, Jews from Eastern and oriental countries (Sfardim) start reciting Selichot (Prayers for forgiveness) from the beginning of Elul.…

    Join The Shabbat Project 2019: Uniting more than 1,000,000 Jews Around the Magic of Shabbat

    The idea is simple: Jews from all walks of life - from across the spectrum of religious affiliation, young and…

    How to Make a Shabbat Meal in Half an Hour – Recipes Included

    Do you need to speed up with your Shabbat preparations? Rivka Malka Perlman explains how to prepare your delicious Shabbat…
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