Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 1
Remember you're standing before G-d then your prayers will be meaningful
How to Detect a Stroke and Minimize its Damage
You can save someone’s life with some basic knowledge
7 Strange Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
What’s a tomato throwing festival and which city has a cat for its mayor?
Eitan Freilich: Am Yisrael Chai – Official Music Video
The Jewish People are one entity. It is crucial that we build unity among Jews by engaging in acts of…
Standing Up to the Challenge
In this short clip, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser reveals to us how we can find our true purpose in life
Positive Thinking
Watch ‘Positive Thinking’ from Leading Therapist Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, LMFT
Sarah’s Greatness
In this essay we will examine how Sarah personified the attribute of strict judgement and how it was a significant…
Is There Life on Other Planets?
Human beings have always asked the question: Do plants, animal life, or even sophisticated cultures exist on other planets? What…
Watch: When the Underdog Wins
A tiger climbs casually on the branches of a tree, waiting for the perfect moment to snatch an innocent monkey…
Prayers from Pure Holy Children That Saved a Dying Person
Thanks to them the funeral was postponed a year.