Shabbat – The Spiritual Within the Physical

    A person who reflects upon the mitzvah of Shabbat from a true perspective will discover that besides for its spiritual…

    Hanukkah – Show Me the Light

    On Hanukkah you can more readily see G-d's light

    Wedding Medley – Lipa Schmeltzer & Shira Choir

    Performed by A Berko Productions. Guest singer, Beri Weber

    Shlock Rock: Shake Hands with your Uncle Max

    Filmed in Brooklyn, Queens and New Jersey and produced by Ethan Bill, Lenny Solomon introduces or reintroduces you to the…

    New Study Confirms: Other Senses of People Born Blind Are More Developed

    The brain compensates for loss of vision and develops these alternate tracks for more effective living

    Constructive Criticism in Marriage – Part 1

    It is completely normal and natural for two people to have differences of opinion, though one must know how to…

    Feeling G-d’s ‘Tangible’ Reality by Experience

    How can you feel G-d? What is the purpose of physical pleasure? What is a G-dly experience? “Every permissible physical…

    The Numbers Prove: There is a Creator

    Is it true that the size of earth & the fact that it is round can be scientifically proved from…

    United for the Jews of France

    The eminent delegation of the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Malkiel Kotler and Rav Reuven Feinstein started a movement for French Jews…

    Motty Steinmetz: Ko Omar – A Team & Shira Orchestra

    Chasidic Superstar Motty Steinmetz accompanied by the Shira Choir. Enjoy
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