Jewish Chiropractics: Snapping the Spine into Place

    The role of the spine in Jewish mysticism.

    Should One Eat Bread For Melave Malka?

    Question: Is one obligated to eat bread on Motza’ei Shabbat for the fourth Shabbat meal which is also referred to…

    How Did Rabbi Kanievsky Know the Groom’s Tzitzit Were Invalid?

    A groom went in to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky to receive a blessing. To his shock, the rabbi asked him “Why…

    The Most Luxurious Weekend of the Year, Sept.8-10  

    Come relax for three days in a five star hotel, the magnificent Crown Plaza in Stamford CT. Enjoy a holiday…

    I’m Good With G-d without His Commandments !

    Speaking to G-d is a wonderful thing but make sure to take out your earplugs so you can hear what…

    It’s All From Above

    True faith in G-d requires one to firmly believe that everything that happens is Straight from Above

    VIDEO: What One Jew Did to Ensure That No Jew is Thirsty Will Inspire YOU!

    What started off as a small act of kindness at one rabbi's gathering has exploded into an empire of loving-kindness.

    Elisheva Perlman: Inspires Thousands of Jewish Women Across the Globe

    Elisheva Perlman is the perfect example of someone taking the talents that G-d has given her and uses them to…

    Your Son Has Autism? It Can’t Be!

    Nobody believed me when I said my son had autism. At the health clinic they thought I was an insane…

    Rare Footage: The Western Wall a Century Ago on Tisha B’av

    Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall - Rare footage from the the year 1909. A Jew sits on the ground…
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