Social Media & The King of Jewish Music

    Meir Kay explains the impact of social media to the King of Jewish Music; MBD - Mordechai Ben David

    WATCH: Chief Rabbi Mirvis – Is There a Remedy to Anti-Semitism?

    Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, discusses the genuine problem of anti-Semitism.

    Mordechai Shapiro: Friends – Official Music Video

    “I’ve Got my friends” - Composed by Mordechai Shapiro & Yitzy Waldner, Produced by Mordechai Shapiro, Yehuda Fein & Meir…

    Gallery: Rare Images Caught on Camera

    A breathtaking gallery of awesome moments in the field of extreme sports. Enjoy

    Rabeinu Tam

    The commentary of Rabeinu Tam is the foundation of all the Tosfos commentaries to the Talmud. He also wrote the…

    How do Birds Fly? Watch a Remarkable Scientific Explanation

    How do birds use their wings to fly? Get a glimpse of the wonders and beauty of Creation. “There is…

    An Act of Kindness Worth 75,000 NIS

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky: “Let the family stay, and G-d will send you an abundance as a reward for performing this…

    Walking the Tightrope of Coexistence

    Can the Muezzin Law be modified to make everyone happy?
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