Which is Harder to Accept upon Yourself, Keeping Shabbat or Covering your Hair?

    You’d think that Shabbat is much harder… or would you?

    Rivers Can’t Wash the Love Away

    We should aspire to have a passionate love for G-d, that’s what divine service is all about

    Unlocking the Secret Code of the Talmud – Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein

    What is the significance of the Talmud in Judaism? What is the function of the Talmud? What is the intent…

    A “Holy Man” is Born: from a Security Guard to a “Miracle Worker”

    Until two years ago, he was a security guard in an Eilat hotel, but today, for a small fortune, he…

    Secrets of the Deep

    "A BIG BALL" - Spectacular video of the unity power of sardines, which is the secret of their survival

    Trinta e nove trabalhos proibidos no shabat

    Quadrinhos: " O trabalho de escrever"

    Packing up and moving on

    How do you say goodbye to the repository of all your memories?

    Watch: Wonders of Creation – Owl Attack

    Because an animal can run, doesn't mean it can hide, from the great owl of the Arctic. Take a glimpse…

    The Cycle of Kibbud Av Va’eim

    Children emulate what they see in the home

    Setting the Tone at Home

    When a father comes home, he must strip himself of the “general’s clothes” and assume the role of husband and…
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