What Keeps Us From Becoming Great?

    We do it to ourselves but how?

    Why does Judaism Demand we give up our Life rather than Commit Adultery? – Watch

    Rabbi Daniel Rowe tackles this challenging question. Brought to you by J-TV

    What Will You Do for the Future of the Jewish People?

    Yes you!! Your decision about this can be life changing for yourself and all of our Nation

    Yitzchak and Esav – Using and Abusing Power

    How could a man as great as Yitzchak have believed Esav was virtuous and more fitting to receive the blessings…

    Mengele, I defeated you

    Chaya Wach managed to survive Auschwitz and the loss of her husband and build a new family. Her grandchildren are…

    Returned From India To Die A Heroine’s Death

    Hadar Buchris, just 21 years old, was stabbed to death at the Etzion Junction by an Arab terrorist

    MUSIC VIDEO: Brand-new Release “Ma’oz Tzur” by SHTAR

    "Hold me, I just want to be holy / Express the whole me and let the whole world see /…

    The Dance

    What we wouldn’t do for our children

    Watch Video! Freedom from Anxiety

    What causes anxiety? How can you escape anxiety and panic attacks?
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