Jewish Chiropractics: Snapping the Spine into Place

    The role of the spine in Jewish mysticism.

    Maimonides – The Rambam: 10 Facts in Honor of His Yohrtzeit

    Is this what he really looked like? Which books didn’t he complete?  Today the 20th of Tevet is his Yohrtzeit.…

    Pumpkin Spice Cinnamon Rolls

    Think of these as comfort food cinnamon rolls, taken up a couple of flavor notches. The flavor of pumpkin combines…

    Spiritual Purity and the Flood

    There are approximately 120 million sperm in every milliliter of semen and each one has the potential to bring about…

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)

    If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through

    The Atom and the Soul of the Inanimate

    Does a Squirrel have a Soul? Does a Tree have a Soul? Does a Chair have a Soul? And What…

    Familiarity With EVERY Kind of Animal in the World!!

    The Torah delineates four creatures which have just one sign of purity- chewing the cud without having cloven feet. This…

    Holocaust Mass Grave Unearthed in Belarus

    The blood of 1,214 souls cries out. Do we not hear their voices?

    Rabbi YY Jacobson: Quarantine Theory for Dummies – How We Can Curtail COVID-19

    Rabbi YY Jacobson gives a very clear and simple explanation for the necessity of being careful and to listen to…

    Is a Cure for Alzheimer’s Here?

    Researchers in Oxford University think so
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