Who Says You Can’t Change Other People?

    A person can indirectly influence another person's behavior by improving his own behavior

    The Path to Happiness in Married Life

    A married couple that has internalized the fact that they are not identical and do not, and are not supposed…

    The Temple Mount

    What is so unique about the Temple Mount?

    Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 1

    Remember you're standing before G-d then your prayers will be meaningful

    10 Foods You Can Eat Freely (Almost)

    They’re all rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in calories

    Split Personality – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    Sometimes it seems like we have a split personality, with two opposing forces fighting for our attention. We have to…

    Watch: Thirsty Elephant Digs for Water in a Dry Riverbed

    When the rivers dry up, elephants dig holes to uncover water lurking below the surface. By digging these holes, elephants…

    You did Teshuva? Don’t Forget 7 Things!

    You should remember ‘boxing’, ‘bridges’, ‘question mark’ and other important things.

    The Operating System of the Universe – Rabbi Michel Twerski

    How each and every individual has an impact on the entire universe. Brought to you by 'Drops Of Light Project'

    The Baal Hatanya’s Yohrzeit

    10 facts about the Baal Hatanya in honor of his Yohrzeit, today
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