Parashat Pecudê – Nome limpo na praça

    Depois de descansar da viagem cansativa, o Rebe perguntou a Reb Zalman, onde poderia ficar sozinho para conversar com D'us.…

    Helpful Tips for Married Men – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    A wise husband is attentive and finely attuned to his wife’s interests and needs

    They Fixed His Eye With a Tooth?

    Amazing: A 72 year old blind man was able to see again through a surgery that used one of his…

    Educating Our Young: Creating Harmony in the Home

    How parents relate to each other has a significant effect on how their children relate to one another and, later,…

    Police Anti-Semitism in Paris France, Shame on Them

    Paris Police are ‘on the lookout for Jews who steal chickens before Yom Kippur’

    Prophecies relating to the Holocaust

    The most momentous event of our times was the Holocaust and it is no surprise that the prophets related to…

    Former Miss Israel: “I Wouldn’t Go back Even 100,000 Shekel a Day”

    “G-d sends me livelihood without my doing immodest photography shoots”

    Watch: The Amazon’s Boiling River Kills

    Wonders of Creation: Geothermal scientist Andrés Ruzo discovers a boiling hot river deep in the Amazon. Incredible

    I Didn’t Think I’d Get Out Alive

    Avital lived in an Arab village married to an Arab and thankfully was rescued. Here's her story.

    Alone Having a Heart Attack? You Can Save Your Own Life!

    These steps can save your life if you cannot get immediate medical attention.
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