Ahavti – By Young Superstar Yedidya Weksler

    What a sensational voice - Enjoy

    The Teachings of Our Sages on Marital Harmony

    "The sages have ordered that a man must honor his wife more than he honors himself and love her as…

    What the Ethiopians Suffered to Get to Israel

    Over 4,000 died on their journey to Israel and never realized their dream

    It’s Extremely Difficult to Break Up an Intermarriage

    Mostly, by the time we intervene it’s too late

    Lori Gilbert-Kaye Saved Rabbi’s Life in Poway Synagogue Shooting

    Poway synagogue shooting victim Lori Gilbert-Kaye, saved Rabbi’s life by taking the bullet instead of him

    The Sheath of the Sun

    Our Sages firmly insisted that a sheath exists around the sun, because the Torah states that it is there. Do…

    Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov

    Rav Yisrael ben Eliezer, known to chassidim as the “Holy Ba’al Shem Tov,” the founder and leader of the chassidic…

    The Yeshiva Boys Choir: “Adir” – Official Music Video

    Enjoy The Yeshiva Boys Choir music video, “Adir”. Lyrics – “Mighty is our Mighty One, Hashem, our Master – how…

    Marauding Elephants Force Locals to Live in Tree Houses

    A rural village in southern Myanmar is under attack from homeless elephants looking for food after rampant deforestation has destroyed…

    Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion

    Dr. Carasso from the Rambam Hospital is grateful to his patient to whom he owes his existence
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