Synchronizing Your Body-Clock and Behavior

    Establishing a regular eating schedule is critical to healthy living

    I Saw My Dead Relative in a Dream- What Does it Mean?

    Is it a good thing or not? I’d like to know

    How Can I Deal With My Narcissistic Spouse?

    I've tried alot of things but nothing seems to help!

    Watch: Animal Brotherhood – When Animals Help the Weak

    Watch awesome footage of animals defending the weak. Must see

    A Mother’s Rosh Hashanah Experience

    How could I possibly approach these holy days without the opportunity to pray in synagogue?

    Watch: Netanel Menat & Malchus Choir – Naase Venishma

    Performed at huge kumzitz in Elad, Israel

    A Gift Gone Wrong

    A lesson in gift giving and getting

    Transient Wealth

    It doesn't pay to show off!

    Speaking Negatively for a Benefit

    May one speak gossip in order to end a dispute? Is it permissible to speak negatively in order to save…

    Join Rabbi Shafier for a Live Pre Rosh Hashanah Webinar – Sunday, Sept. 25 8:00pm Est

    Are you tired of coming into Rosh Hashanah feeling like you are playing "catch up"? By the time you get…
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