Watch how a Soap Bubble Freezes in Slow Motion

    As most of the United States is experiencing brutal winter weather, viral videos are circulating of rapid freezing and other…

    Watch: Boro Park Reacts to Magic

    Shlomo Levinger hits the streets of Boro Park with his original and entertaining magic tricks. See how people react

    Unlocking G-d’s Blessing

    In this short clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid gives us the key to unlocking the blessing G-d is waiting to shower…

    I Hope Her Hair Doesn’t Fall Out Again

    Yaeli Efrat’s remission from cancer ended and her mother shares her feelings.

    Women to know : How Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik is bringing thousands of Jews back to Judaism

    If you can inspire the mother, then you’ve inspired the whole family

    Life after life – 5: The Appearance of the Dead in a Dream

    The family members believe that Rabbi Segel, who had been very careful about the possessions and monies of others, had…

    Watch: Short Video Clips on How to Make Paper Sukkah Decorations

    Are you looking for original ideas to decorate your sukkah? Watch this series of video clips and discover creative ideas…

    The Hidden Tzaddik: Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Dayan

    Only twenty-six years after the passing of Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Dayan of blessed memory, a memorial service (tikkun) was held…

    “You Remind Me of my Son That Died in Iraq”

    Now I knew why the policeman stopped me…
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