Ten Things You May Not Know About Havdalah

    Havdalah is the ceremony marking the conclusion of Shabbat (or of Yom Tov or Yom Kippur) and the transition to…

    Eliyahu Chait: Lecha Dodi – Music Video

    Eliyahu Chait, Son of the legendary composer R’ Baruch Chait with his latest hit, Lecha Dodi

    Should Israel Remain a Jewish State or Not?

    MK Yisrael Eichler recounts how Tel Aviv Mayor Diezengoff stopped cars from entering the city on Shabbat

    Parshat Shekalim It’s Reasons and Laws

    When do we read Parshat Shekalim? What is the mitzvah of giving a half shekel? What was the purpose of…

    Yaakov’s Dream, Vayetze All Rapped Up

    Welcome all to the house of Hashem

    Hanukkah – Tap into the Light

    Why did it take the Rabbis a whole year to announce the holiday of Chanukah? In this short video, Rabbi…

    Good News for Pregnant Women — a Breakthrough in the Diagnosis of the Fetal Head

    The Emek Hospital in Afula recently developed a first of its kind curve particularly adapted to the Israeli public. The…

    Boas Férias

    Trecho Diário - Parashat Korach

    Watch: White Giraffes Discovered in Kenya

    A pair of rare white giraffes has been spotted in Kenya. The rare animals were discovered by villagers near the…

    Who was Rashi?

    He was one of the greatest interpreters of the Bible throughout the ages, he innovated hundreds of words, and according…
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