Special Child’s Mom: “G-d Guides Every Step I Take”

    Mushkie Landau, the mother of a special needs child discusses how her faith helps her parenting.

    Ensuring Healthy Communication In Marriage

    Ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away won’t do a thing

    Background matters

    A guy who’s divorced or one who grew up in a dysfunctional home

    Wonders of Creation: Flowers Blossoming in Fast Motion

    Enjoy the beauty of nature; don’t forget to thank G-d. “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I…

    Learning Responsibility on Rosh Hashana

    King Avimelech is exhibit a of what shirking responsibility looks like

    10 Proofs That G-d Loves You Despite Giving You Tribulations

    "If there is a good and loving G-d, then why is there suffering in the world?" Some have used this…

    How does Judaism view Christianity & Islam? Rabbi Akiva Tatz Responds

    Will there be a Messianic redemption according to Judaism, Christianity & Islam? Brought to you by J-Tv

    The Patient Asked for a Blessing for the Success of the Operation, and was Amazed by Rabbi Kanievsky’s Response

    What did Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky answer a patient who asked for a blessing for the success of the operation, and…

    The Yeshiva Boys Choir: “Adir” – Official Music Video

    Enjoy The Yeshiva Boys Choir music video, “Adir”. Lyrics – “Mighty is our Mighty One, Hashem, our Master – how…

    Torah Revival in Jerusalem’s Old City

    It appeared that the sound of Torah learning almost stopped in the Old City — and suddenly it had returned,…
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