Beware of Jellyfish on a Full Moon

    A Haifa University study shows that jellyfish tend to show up on Israel’s shores when the temperature is between 28.2-30…

    The Status of a Woman According to Kabbalah

    According to Kabbalah, the woman corresponds to the tenth Sphere – the Sphere of Malchut (royalty). She receives from the…

    Am I Sleeping Enough?

    Is there a recommended amount of sleep that could engender tranquility, clarity of mind and the easy absorption, comprehension and…

    Watch: Miniscule Antique Tefillin Found in Caucasus

    Amazing Footage: Antique tefillin located in Caucasus – Gone viral

    Liberators and Survivors of the Holocaust: The First Moments

    This video interweaves liberators’ and Jewish survivors’ testimonies and other primary sources, highlighting the experiences of US soldiers upon entering…

    Watch: Smart Elephant Paints Self Portrait

    See how Suda the elephant paints himself on canvas. Unbelievable talent

    Is There Life After Death?

    How does it work? Is there a male soul and a female soul?

    Yom Kippur Actually Works!

    Rabbi Nissel shows us how Yom Kippur works

    Gad Elbaz – Save Me From my Selfie – Official lyrics Video

    A song that expresses the impact of technology on society. Meaningful

    Conservative Female Rabbi Crosses Lines and Becomes Orthodox

    In a open article publicized this week, Einat Ramon explains why she abandoned Conservative Judaism and her belief in authentic…
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