La famille s'apprêtait à manger de la Dafina, mais a constaté avec surprise qu'il était impossible d'ouvrir le couvercle de la casserole!

    Sans tenir compte des avertissements de la maîtresse de maison, le père et ses enfants continuaient chaque semaine à se…

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 10, 2018 – Parshat Re’eh

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 10, 2018 - Parshat Re’eh

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)

    If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through

    Comunicating with the dead – The truth about séances

    British researcher, Arthur Findlay:"I know that if thirteen years ago I myself had been asked to believe these strange accounts…

    Live, Remember and Tell the World

    An indomitable child survivor tells her incredible story of faith through adversity

    Let’s Light Up Our Chanukah in Jerusalem

    A day of women’s empowerment just for you! Reserve your ticket now

    Thousands Sing ’Ani Ma’amin’ at the Western Wall as the Fast Ends – Must See

    See thousands of Jews singing in unison at the Western Wall – 'Ani Ma'amin' – 'I believe in the coming…

    The Sweetest Clip You’ll See Today: An Elephant Collecting Garbage

    What does a 'domesticated' elephant do when he is bored? Simple; collect garbage and throw in the trash can. Watch…

    Watch: Wonders of Creation: The Incarnation of a Butterfly

    A moving film created by the photographer Eitan Asraf – The birth of a butterfly photographed with no less than…

    Sensational Duet – Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried

    Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried perform a stunning duet at the ATIME Shas A Thon. Accompanied by the Shira…
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