The Nun Who Learned About Keeping Shabbat
What does a religious family do who discovers that their refrigerator is disconnected on Friday night? The Kisus family did…
Women to know: Robin Meyerson’s Spiritual Journey
I need to put my kids first, because I’m the only mom they have
Women to know : One thing led to another and so her organization was born
The only way to keep yourself happy is to make others happy, and to give
The Joy of Simchat Torah
What is the true joy of Simchat Torah?
“Should I Ask for A Tuition Discount for My Son’s Torah Education?”
Is it considered a worthy effort to balance my books, or a lack of faith?
The Brain is the Hardware of the Soul
A full functioning and healthy brain enables a person to be focused, happy, calm, loving, effective. When the brain is…
Happy 50th Anniversary of the 6 Day War Miracles
Ezer Weitzman said:"It was the finger of G-d" and Lee, a Singapore army officer training in the IDF is astounded…
The Universe is Finely Tuned
Every constant and quantity discovered by scientists make the universe something that could only be fine tuned
Watch: Lightning Like You’ve Never Seen Before
Display of electrifying lightning moving through the clouds over Florida, creating stunning scenes
Women to know : Dr. Carlebach Jofen is paving the way for the next generation of women
Every woman can find a personal equilibrium, each one has to actualize her potential