Ramchal — Rabbi Moshe Chayim Luzzatto

    The Ramchal’s unique talents, along with the divine revelations he was privy to, aroused suspicion. The damage caused to the…

    Actors Think They Can Write a Better Script

    In our blessing 'Shehakol' we declare Everything comes from Him. Let's remember that when we have doubts.

    Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion

    Dr. Carasso from the Rambam Hospital is grateful to his patient to whom he owes his existence

    Women to Know: Chaya Fishman, founder of The Jewish Woman Entrepreneur

    Women don’t realize that the woman sitting next to them has business savvy

    Gallery: Fascinating Natural Phenomena you Won’t Believe Exist

    What happens when sweet water meets salty water, or when termites decide to invade the desert? Hypnotic and spectacular natural…

    The Wedding Gown

    Why did the woman wear a wedding gown while lighting her Shabbat candles?

    The Jewish View of Happiness

    What is the path that leads to happiness in a world of ordeals? Are we meant to strive for happiness?…

    Translator of R. Zamir Cohen’s books in Russian: “His Classes Lifted My Heart”

    Paulina Ovis is a very busy woman: When not with her children and grandchildren, she devotes her time and skills…

    Vayeishev ‘All Rapped up’ The Consequences of Gossip

    The dispute of Joseph and his brother in rap

    Watch: Melody of Reb Michoel Zlotchover

    Enjoy a legendary niggun
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