Watch: Perfect Hunter – Bears Hunt with Minimal Effort

    The Creator of the Universe sustains and supports all living creatures. Watch how bears receive their share straight into their…

    Good Old Fashioned Russian Anti-Semitism Rears its Ugly Head

    "We'll see if the Jews didn't kill Czar Nicholas for religious purposes"

    A Flowering Green Mountain: The Color of Torah​

    Why did the unseen Infinite give this color illusion to our wavy micro-projection that we call physicality? What does the…

    Watch Fascinating Footage of Hippopotamus Underwater

    Watch how a hippopotamus opens up its gigantic mouth under water. Get a sneak preview of underwater beauty

    Must See – Never Stop Dancing by Ari Goldwag

    Also you can dance despite your challenges! Ari Goldwag with an inspiring message in his new hit ‘Never Stop Dancing’…

    The Jew who saved the American Revolution

    Heroes of the American Revolutionary War such as Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Paul Revere are…

    Will I Ever Be Happy?

    Years of therapy didn't help and alternative therapies also didn't help... What do I do now?

    Lev Nishbar: Beri Weber – New Release

    Le cerveau n’est donc plus oxygéné. C’est un infarctus cérébral. Une angine de poitrine est une douleur thoracique causée par…

    The Patients Who Survived Their Prognosis

    Prof. Moshe Frenkel, a Clinical Associate at the University of Texas, and chairman of the Israeli Society for Complementary Medicine,…

    Fostering Your Child’s Independence

    Why should you wipe her nose for her when she’s fully capable of doing it herself?
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