You’re Never Too Old
My parents hadn’t let me go to seminary in Jerusalem, and I’d never gotten over it
Happy 50th Anniversary of the 6 Day War Miracles
Ezer Weitzman said:"It was the finger of G-d" and Lee, a Singapore army officer training in the IDF is astounded…
Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 2)
He causes man to stumble in sin and temptation in order to increase our reward for doing the right thing
Hoshana Rabbah, a Stairway to Heaven
Rabbi Sinclair explains how Hoshana Rabbah provides the opportunity for us to go beyond ourselves
Watch: Fascinating Time Lapse of a Bean Growing Underground
Wonders of Creation: Watch the growth process of a bean underground. This footage will surely strengthen your appreciation for all…
Jewish Laughter – Rabbi YY Rubinstein
What makes us laugh? What are the effects of laughter according to Judaism?
Should Israel Remain a Jewish State or Not?
MK Yisrael Eichler recounts how Tel Aviv Mayor Diezengoff stopped cars from entering the city on Shabbat
Want a ‘Younger’ Brain? Researchers Unveil a ‘Secret Drink’
Researchers from North Carolina and London discovered that drinking beet juice daily is great for maintaining normal brain function after…
Jacob asks: “My friend became religious and can’t find a job. What can I tell him?”
What can one say to one who repented and became religious, and prays for a livelihood but is not answered?…
Family Tech: SMS or SOS?
Exploring the impact of technology on our most intimate relationships.