The Standard American Diet is S.A.D for More than One Reason

    What will become of a generation that battles rampant health issues from a young age? The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee…

    The First Recorded Use of Medical Anesthesia

    Is it true, That the first medical anesthesia performed on a patient was about one hundred and fifty years ago?

    In Order to Achieve Perfection One Must “Recharge”

    If one wishes to achieve perfection he has to be ready for a long, difficult path. He cannot delude himself…

    Watch – Baby Chimpanzee Taking a Bath

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Si votre organisme échoue et votre érection ne se produit…

    An Intimate Rivalry: The Jews and Classical Islam

    Cornell University Professor of Judeo-Islamic Studies Ross Brann discusses the fruitful and close relationship between Jews and Muslims in the…

    Selichot at the Kotel

    Watch and get inspired as thousands recite the Selichot at the Western Wall

    Carnivorous Plants in Action – Watch

    The plant captures its victims in wondrous ways that only The Creator can design. Wonders of Creation

    “I’m a Jewish Girl and He Was an Arab Boy; What Was I Thinking?”

    It started with looks, continued with conversations and ended with violence and being put to shame

    Why Doesn’t the Torah Command Me to be a Vegetarian?

    Isn’t it cruel to eat animals? Or is it? Can kindness to animals make me cruel to people?

    Can A Merchant Who Cheated His Customers Repent?

    What is ‘theft from the public’ and how do you repent on this sin? 10 facts to know
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