Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives

    Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?

    Helping Others Overcome Challenges

    You can make a difference in someone else's life when he's faced with a challenge

    Witness the Power of Creation: Incredible Footage of Rainstorms

    Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of G-d's creation. Wonders of Creation

    Keeping Healthy – Rule A: Ensuring the Quality of Food

    Good quality food will renew and regenerate a healthy body, whereas, poor quality food will produce an inferior body

    The Patient Asked for a Blessing for the Success of the Operation, and was Amazed by Rabbi Kanievsky’s Response

    What did Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky answer a patient who asked for a blessing for the success of the operation, and…

    Why Did the Gentile who Bought Chametz from Rav Elyashiv Convert?

    In honor of the sixth anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Zt "l. A fascinating story and…

    Watch: 3 Months of Work & 500 Failures – The Results Speak for Themselves

    After intensive work and hundreds of failures along the way, the mission was completed. What do you think of this…

    Hanukkah Crafts: Creative Activities for Kids – The Festival of Lights

    Here’s a collection of Hanukkah crafts that will keep your kids occupied and get them into the spirit of the…

    Watch how a Soap Bubble Freezes in Slow Motion

    As most of the United States is experiencing brutal winter weather, viral videos are circulating of rapid freezing and other…

    Murder at Chabad of Poway: A Bullet in the Soul of America – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    Powerful and inspirational remarks by Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson at the "Peace & Unity Gathering" in response to the terror attack…
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