Vayera – All Rapped Up – Be a Giver
Rabbi Yossi Kantor raps up Vayera
How Can I Know For Sure that G-d is Here?
Is there proof that G-d is All-inclusive, All-powerful, and has full control over everything in our lives?
The Gardener’s Tale – A Message for Husband’s
A husband who remembers to compliment and praise his wife is actually doing a big mitzvah. Not only is he…
Watch: How Did the Elephant Escape the Current?
The poor elephant stranded in the rushing current, slipped while trying to climb out. How did the drama end? Watch…
Heavenly Harmony or Fiery Discord?
Because the marriage bond can swing to such extremes, Heavenly harmony or fiery discord, it requires continual input and a…
Applying Make-Up on Shabbat
Regarding the application of facial powder, there’s a difference of opinion among adjudicators.
Watch: Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein of Chabad Poway Delivers Powerful Speech at the White House
"We cannot control what others do, but we can control how we react", said Rabbi Goldstien. The Rabbi received a…
At Yad Vashem, Trump Also Honored Emily
Without fanfare, Trump met Emily, a 10 year old girl fighting cancer for 7 years in a side room of…
Tehilla Mark: “Our Father Always Said That Every Bullet Has Its Address”
“It’s hard, it’s painful, and we’re trying not to break. We get up and fall, cry and dry our tears”
What Will the World Look Like During the Messianic Era?
In our liturgy and Grace over Meals, we mention many times the phrase "messianic era": "May it be His Will……