This time it will be different

    What’s in a meatball, anyway?

    Sanctification of G-d’s Name in Germany: Footballer Reveals Shirt Inscribed “Hashem is G-d”

    Footballer Almog Cohen scored a winning goal in the German league, and sanctified G-d's name by revealing a shirt imprinted…

    10 Facts about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

    During the years he hid in a cave, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai wrote down the esoteric teachings of the Torah.…

    Watch: Killer Whales Swimming at Full Speed

    Tourists from New Zealand recorded breath-taking footage of killer whales swimming out at sea

    Watch Now: Live Stream from Kever Rachel – Don’t miss out!

    Join Hidabroot and hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world just before the yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu.…

    Skin Cancer is on the rise

    Why do we keep getting sunburned despite all the sunscreen we are applying?

    Gallery: Stunning Images of the Jordanian Desert

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    VeUhavtu by Meilech Kohn – Unofficial Music Video

    "Everyone’s waiting for Wishing Praying for Mashiach! It will only happen when we all get along!" Internalize the message

    Watch: Volcanic Showers, Lightning and Glowing Bombs in Indonesia

    Indonesia’s Krakatau Volcano explodes, displaying a fiery show of lava eruptions and volcanic lightening. Wonders of Creation
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