Building a Positivity Portfolio

    Create a portfolio of good feelings you experienced or things you liked

    Marital Harmony: How Much Must I Sacrifice for the Sake of Peace?

    If a husband works to overcome the urge to argue, and invests energy in appeasing his wife until there is…

    10 Facts About the Tablets

    Our sages have revealed to us that the tablets were made of Sapphire and would have weighed a half a…

    WATCH: Chief Rabbi Mirvis – Is There a Remedy to Anti-Semitism?

    Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, discusses the genuine problem of anti-Semitism.

    Watch: Firefighters Training Like you’ve Never Seen Before

    See how the Chinese train their firefighters to be the fast, fit and unified

    Watch: One day in the life of a sea cucumber

    Or as King David put it: “How great are Your deeds, G-d, all of them were made in wisdom.” Watch…

    Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion

    Dr. Carasso from the Rambam Hospital is grateful to his patient to whom he owes his existence

    Why Should I Listen to the Rabbis?

    What gives them their authority?

    A Real Bubbemaise

    My mom was the consummate go-between for many a young lady, young man, widow, widower, and divorcee. Read about the…

    Shemoneh Esrei – First Blessing – Foundations – Part 2

    Rabbi Menachem Nissel gives us the tools to make your prayers personal, relevant and focused
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