Hoshana Rabbah, a Stairway to Heaven

    Rabbi Sinclair explains how Hoshana Rabbah provides the opportunity for us to go beyond ourselves

    Identify and Treat Post-Partum Depression

    How do you know what to look for? What treatments are available? 

    The importance of exercise in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Maimonides considers physical exercise to be one of the most important conditions for maintaining a healthy body

    Watch: Skydive from Mountaintop into Moving Plane

    Jumping from an airplane to the ground is a relatively simple and familiar procedure, thoug how do you jump from…

    Candle-Lighting Times: October 26, 2018 | Cheshvan 17, 5779 – Parshat Vayeira

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: October 26, 2018 | Cheshvan 17, 5779 - Parshat Vayeira

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Unexpected Learning Partner

    A remarkable story firsthand: Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky accepted the request of a 14-year-old boy, the two studied together for many…

    The Greatness of Torah: Part 2 – Rabbi Mendel Kessin

    Why are there no vowels and punctuation and in the Torah? Rabbi Mendel Kessin expounds on the depth and wisdom…

    Why Must I Always Pray Every Day?

    Doesn’t G-d know what I need?

    Shabbat Observant Athletes Won’t Need to Compromise Their Principles

    Israeli Government grants to sports clubs will depend on their accommodating Shabbat observers

    You Can Become Great!

    Discover the latent talents, power and holiness inside you and use them to become great
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