5 Step Approach for Reducing Anxiety – Watch

    With increasing financial stress, health issues & worldwide political unrest, anxiety continues to rise. Psychotherapist Aryeh Sampson provides a 5…

    Pray For Your Children, Today!!

    The day before Rosh Chodesh Sivan is the most auspicious time to pray for the welfare of your children; do…

    Ancient Astronomers

    It is incredible to discover that thousands of years ago, when most of the surrounding civilizations counted only some 4,000…

    Why does Judaism Demand we give up our Life rather than Commit Adultery? – Watch

    Rabbi Daniel Rowe tackles this challenging question. Brought to you by J-TV

    Parshas Terumah: Standing and Growing

    What is the message of the trees used for the Mishkan?

    Avraham Fried & Yochi Briskman Orchestra – Nostalgia

    Enjoy a collection of Avraham Fried classics

    Shabbat – The Seventh Dimension: The Spiritual Within the Physical

    One of the most cherished mitzvot in the Torah that seems to have a restrictive component is Shabbat. However, a…

    Trinta e nove trabalhos proibidos no shabat

    Quadrinhos: Tenda pronta na véspera de Shabat

    How Do I Hope For the Redemption in my Day to Day Life?

    When I go through the 3 weeks and then vacation, is anything left of that longing?

    At the Last Minute The Cremation Was Averted

    Michael Osborne travelled to the island of Negros for medical treatment , but in the end he passed away. Since…
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