Man is Not Given a Challenge he Cannot Withstand

    Even someone born into a bleak existence — a dysfunctional family, difficult parents, or even a criminal society; cannot justify…

    Breslov Nigunim at a Wedding with Eitan Katz

    Two beautiful breslov nigunim, Ashreinu & Me'ein Olam Haba. Enjoy

    A Taxi Ride Reveals a Surprising Relationship

    Could this obnoxious cab driver possibly be related to me?

    Magnificent Moonlight Images – Wonders of Creation

    When the moon blends with nature, you get a perfect display of beauty. Must see

    Drinking Water: What are the Benefits?

    Besides not dehydrating there are many other benefits too

    Bedtime Shema – According to the Sefardic Custom

    Say Shema before going to sleep and sleep well with good dreams

    Mengele, I defeated you

    Chaya Wach managed to survive Auschwitz and the loss of her husband and build a new family. Her grandchildren are…

    Feeling G-d’s ‘Tangible’ Reality by Experience

    How can you feel G-d? What is the purpose of physical pleasure? What is a G-dly experience? “Every permissible physical…

    Eikev: Always Here

    What is true love? What is our greatest fear? Why do we often feel like Hashem has abandoned us? How…

    Shwekey & Zemiros: Shivisi – Acapella Style

    Listen to Yaakov Shwekey's first official acapella song. Enjoy
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