Dear matchmaker

    I don’t like that my daughter discusses her shidduchim with her friends

    What will the Third Temple Look Like? Watch Amazing Simulation

    Everyday we look forward to the moment we will witness the building of the Third Temple. In the meantime watch…

    A Day in the Life of a Sea Cucumber

    How a Sea Cucumber catches its food, why it fights with such guts and who has time for a 'fight'…

    The Hidabroot NY Convention – Get Spiritually Charged Up !

    Enjoy a Shabbat Retreat, a Motzei Shabbat Mega Event and a Sunday of Inspiration for Women. Inspirational keynotes by world…

    Losing both Parents in One Day is a Tragedy words can’t describe

    “But that pain motivates me to save lives”

    Honoring Your Fellow Man

    Basic respect is a fundamental human need. As the highest form of creation, the human being feels dejected when embarrassed,…

    Noach – Teaching to Learn, Learning to Teach

    When a person teaches others he feels more of a necessity to gain clarity in his learning, so he can…

    Gallery: Cars Buried in Snow Become Works of Art

    People share fascinating pictures of their cars after a night of freezing snow. See wonderful gallery

    Mechutanim Before You

    Representatives of the rich man came to clothe the chasan in beautiful expensive new clothing
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