Nimrod – Self-Worship

    Nimrod was granted exceedingly great power, but instead of humbling himself he became arrogant, even rejecting the very source of…

    The ‘Key’ To Livelihood

    This Shabbat there’s a custom to prepare a challah in the form of a key as a Segulah (spiritual remedy)…

    An Inexplicable Sin (Parshat Chukat)

    Anger has no place in our lives

    Magnetic Gates on the Temple Mount, Muslims Attack Istanbul Synagogue

    Muslims threw rocks at an Istanbul synagogue to protest the Temple Mount magnetic gates

    See Videos Of Rabbi Chaim Vital’s Introduction to Kabbalah on his Yohrzeit

    Rabbi Chaim Vital, a foremost Kabbalist and disciple of the Ari Z"l, Rabbi Isaac Luria of Safed passed away on…

    Ani Maamin Medley – A Capella Version by Simcha Leiner

    Ani Maamin Medley - Through the Ages. All sounds are vocal. What a voice!

    Smiling: Required by Law

    We must learn to interpret the intent of the spouse in a positive light

    Why Stick to the Truth?

    Maimonides tells us what we gain from sticking to the truth and living according to it

    Watch: Snake Disappears In Sand Camouflage

    Be amazed by more Wonders of Creation

    How Israel Protects Its Bee Population From Colony Collapse

    While bee colonies are dropping precipitously around the world, their number remains steady in Israel.
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