I Got on the Scale and I Was Shocked

    Little did I know it, but I was a few hours away from dying.

    Beware of Jellyfish on a Full Moon

    A Haifa University study shows that jellyfish tend to show up on Israel’s shores when the temperature is between 28.2-30…

    The Yearning Desire to Connect to Infinity

    In order to lead people to the objective goal of their existence, G-d has implanted within the human consciousness a…

    Cinnamon Muffins

    A yummy and really fast recipe that will get alot of mileage in your home

    ‘Lion King’ as you’ve Never Seen Before – Watch

    See glorious footage of a male lion. The Talmud refers to the lion as "the king of the beasts" (Chagigah…

    The​ Brain is the Hardware of the Soul

    A full functioning and healthy brain enables a person to be focused, happy, calm, loving, effective. When the brain is…

    Sensational Duet – Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried

    Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried perform a stunning duet at the ATIME Shas A Thon. Accompanied by the Shira…

    Stunning Images of Marine Creatures – Wonders of Creation

    These magnificent pictures of underwater creatures will remind you to appreciate the Wonders of Creation

    Watch: Crocodile Pounce in Slow Motion

    If you like wild nature photography, and it interests you to know how a crocodile snaps open his mouth to…

    Mechutanim Before You

    Representatives of the rich man came to clothe the chasan in beautiful expensive new clothing
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