I Waited Two Years Before I Signed Up- YOU Shouldn’t!
"I signed up and found my husband almost immediately!"
The Tremendous Power Within Us
How can you fulfill your true potential?
Why Is G-d Invisible? Rabbi Manis Friedman
Throughout history, the question of why G-d is not visible has perplexed the human race. Philosophers and laymen have addressed…
Tzaddik Pays Electric Bill For Soldier In Need
Some people will not stand by when they see a person in need, but what occurred on a train this…
Stages in the Menstrual Cycle
It is clear that Jewish law provides solutions to a number of difficult medical and family-relationship problems confronted by many…
Don’t Think Twice About Drinking Water
Why is it important to drink a lot of water, and what should we do if we don’t like it?
Watch: Wonders of Creation – Relaxing Footage of Birds & Butterflies
Nothing like beginning your day with an exhilarating peek at nature's beauty. Watch a magical clip that will change your…
Dog Saves Family from Anti-Semitic Arson Attack in Paris
Their Anti-Semitic Muslim neighbor is the prime suspect
Wonders of Creation: Rainbows in the Sky
After the Flood, G-d promised that He would never make a flood again that would destroy the world. He created…
Laws of Shabbat: Grinding – Cutting Food on Shabbat
How may one cut his fruits and vegetables on Shabbos? Is the cutting of meat, fish and cheese included in…