What the Ethiopians Suffered to Get to Israel
Over 4,000 died on their journey to Israel and never realized their dream
Archaeological Testimony of Balaam ben Beor’s Inscription in Jordan
The inscription contains details about Balaam that are very close in content and terminology to the Biblical story
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Parashat Pekudei
Ari Goldwag – Ve’ahavta (Meilech Kohn) – A Cappella
Ari Goldwag and friends with a fun and entertaining story to accompany Meilech Kohn's mega-hit song Ve'ahavta - The A…
Gorgeous Butterfly Camouflaged as a Leaf – Wonders of Creation
It looks like an innocent butterfly until it reveals its true colors. Must see
Proof of Prophecy: Jews’ leadership in the the End Of Days
The prophets described in detail the type of leadership which would emerge at the End of Days. Journey to the…
For the First Time in Decades: Stone Falls from the Western Wall
This morning a huge stone detached from the Western Wall - miraculously, there were no casualties. A woman stood there,…
The Inherent Difference Between Husband and Wife
A husband cannot simply use his own feelings and emotions as a way to understand his wife's feelings and emotions
How Do I Know if I’m Addicted to the Internet?
There are symptoms to look out for
Watch: Creative Recipes Using Ice Cube Molds
Try out these original delicacies using ice cube molds. Don't forget the strawberries and herbs must be cleaned thoroughly