Where Does Addictive Thinking Come From?
Low Self esteem (ususally from emotional abuse) is usually the culprit
You Have to See the Whole Elephant
Learning Torah gives you a view of reality that begins far beyond the mask of time and space
Tips for Married Life: The Proper Attitude Toward Arguments
A disagreement can be utilized as a tool to reinforce marital harmony
Watch: NASA’s Insight Lands on Mars
NASA made history on November 26 when its newest Mars probe touched down to explore the planet. The spacecraft travelled…
Marital Harmony – A Lesson from the Fly and the Butterfly
It’s all a matter of perspective. By Rabbi Zamir Cohen
Watch: World’s First Drone Jump
A Latvian parachuter has accomplished the first ever parachute jump from a drone. See breathtaking footage of the jump from…
“The Jewish Spark Was Extinguished”: 10 Facts About the Fast of Gedaliah
The Fast of Gedaliah, which always falls on the 3rd of Tishrei, marks the final tragic end of the Jewish…
Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhansk
There is a legend which relates that during the Holocaust, the Nazis smashed the stone over his grave and wanted…
They Don’t Deserve Everything
A child needs to understand that he can’t get everything he wants. This understanding will only do him good
Tehillim – Psalms for Monday
Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Monday, divided into daily portions. Monday Psalms: Chapters 30 – 50