Holocaust Mass Grave Unearthed in Belarus

    The blood of 1,214 souls cries out. Do we not hear their voices?

    Watch: Ari Goldwag (1992 & 2018): Mehera – Miami Boys Choir

    See Ari Goldwag sing Mehera in 1992 in the Miami Boys Choir and again in 2018

    War at the End of Days – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Will the nations of the world wage war against the Jewish people before the final redemption? Rabbi Zamir Cohen analyzes…

    Genetics and the Bible – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Is it possible that the two most revolutionary laws in genetics discovered in recent generations – Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance…

    “Why Don’t I Feel Fulfilled in Life?”

    A person in pain should see if he or she is if he’s in a good place and investing his…

    Watch: Spring Flowers Blossoming Before your Eyes

    Wonders of Creation: Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds us. G-d created infinite types of…

    Gallery: Cars Buried in Snow Become Works of Art

    People share fascinating pictures of their cars after a night of freezing snow. See wonderful gallery

    Shidduch saga

    Through the looking-glass

    The Two Levels of Shabbat Observance

    There are two aspects to observing Shabbos - one is refraining from forbidden creative activity, and the other is making…

    The Suffering of Suicide Victims After Their Death

    The ‘aura’ of suicide victims and those who die from substance abuse intensifies every night, as though the soul continues…
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